The lyrics

Song Research


Throughout the song, the mantra, “I’m not afraid to die” is repeated by the criminal. The repeated assertion is more of a terrifying attempt to come to terms with death than it is a proud statement of fact. The criminal’s every word overflows with both fear and a desperate search for religious salvation. The very last line of the song establishes that the criminal did “tell a lie,” meaning that he committed the murder, is going to hell and is in fact afraid to die. 

This is an example of apophenia: “unmotivated seeing of connections” accompanied by a “specific experience of an abnormal meaningfulness”, but it has come to represent the human tendency to seek patterns in random information in general, such as with gambling and paranormal phenomena.”

The onset of schizophrenia is characterized by this habit.
Being put on death row could definitely make one develop this habit.

DANGER Experiment

In order to better express the word “burning”, I thought about it as a visual expression, so I tried burning paper and found that the effect was only burning the paper to black and a small amount of burning traces. Then I splashed the paper with paint and burned its surface. Finally, use photoshop to process to get the final effect

The “eye for an eye” idiom has its origins in ancient Iraq, as part of the Code of Hammurabi. Hammurabi’s rule was actually meant to moderate the violent reprisals common in Ancient Babylon, meaning that one should only take an eye for an eye, and not perpetuate an endless cycle of retribution.

1.In the explanation and catalogue here, I think it is his evidence, so I designed the arrest warrant or the verdict into it.

2. Here is the description of birth and death, the birth of Jesus and the death of Jesus on the cross. So I use the blooming of flowers to represent new life. I think criminals compare themselves to Jesus, feel innocent but face death. So I added a camera in which he was Jesus, but in reality he was just a death row prisoner on the electric chair.

1.Here I use trash bags to form the golden seat, just like the fate of the protagonist in the song is full of drama

2.The lyrics here are “And like the moth that tries To enter the bright eye”, I designed the moth into a moiré pattern. Here I want to try to see if it can have a dynamic effect on traditional flat paper. So I studied the moiré pattern.

Moiré experiment

Moiré, or moiré, is a kind of high-frequency interference fringe that appears on the photosensitive element in digital cameras or scanners. It is a kind of high-frequency irregular fringe that makes the picture appear colourful. Because the moiré is irregular, there is no obvious shape rule.

Moiré test

Blacklight experiment

Crime scene investigators hunt for evidence of a crime by using a black light and sometimes an added sprayed-on chemical to locate dried and cleaned up blood stains.

Here, I want readers to interact with the book. If you illuminate the book with a black light, there will be information that you can’t normally see, just like looking for evidence of a crime in the protagonist in the book

Blacklight test



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