BLOG 1 An internet of old things

An internet of old things

With the development of the Internet of Things technology, every device is “always online”, and every device can connect to the Internet in different ways. Dr Reese Speed believes that the memory of man-made figures is still the only reference, and these things have been lost or fallen off. As real-world artefacts, they have been broken, burned, or dumped in landfills, but digital “ghosts” may continue to exist in the online society-searching based on any other data in the past, present, or future. In Dr Chris Speed’s project, users can scan the QR code and RFID the personal story of the project, instead of data such as price, temperature or other industrious data, providing material instantiation for each living substance Abundant non-material materials. Dimensionality, which enhances the emotional connection with people and enables people to get emotional experience outside of interaction.

Figure 1. Scanning the red silk toiletries bag. RememberMe at FutureEverything 2010 (Photo # WeAreTAPE).

The Internet of Things and Human Emotional Experience

A recent McKinsey report pointed out that “people are no longer obsessed with how many objects they have, but pay more attention to the memorable experience themselves.” This article was very inspiring to me, and it made me discover that through design and innovation, objects can also become “A person”, we can understand the story behind it and the expectations for the future, this object also tells the story for us like a person. So as to give the audience an emotional experience. Therefore, the co-creation of experience regards the customer as an active promoter of value consumption and production (Prebensen et al., 2013), and regards customer participation as a necessary condition for defining and designing the experience. This reminds me of the break-up museum, which was very popular not long ago. This museum specializes in memorabilia after a broken relationship. Lovers break up, couples divorce, friendship breaks, even school graduation or funerals. After each relationship ends, the items left behind are very sad. Instead of seeing things and thinking about people, they would donate to the museum. In fact, what attracts the audience is the stories behind things, and those stories can arouse people’s emotional resonance. Besides the five senses, emotional resonance is also a way of interaction, which made me understand that design is storytelling.

Figure 2. Museum of Broken Relationship

So I got the following process for my own design method:

Make our audience the designer who defines their own experience

Let them participate, define, and design their own stories

Resonate because of the story

Reap memories, leave an experience because of memories

Figure 3. The Design Index Model of Modern Museum


Speed, C., Burke, M. B., Hudson-Smith, A., Karpovich, A., O’Callaghan, S., & Simpson, M. (2010). Internet of Old Things.

LunaFilm. (2018, March 7). FutureEverything 2010: Chris Speed and The Internet of Things That No Longer Exist. Vimeo.


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