
Affordances can be used as a perceived possibility of action. Affordances determines the possible actions and the instructor communicates where the action should be performed. For example, the size, shape and weight of the cylinder in the video make it very suitable for humans to sit on as a chair or as a point for standing. Affordances can match people’s past experiences with similar objects. Affordances is more like a perception and existence. Available information so that actors can perceive and can take action based on existing supply capacity.

SKETCH OF Affordances

Affordances of ipad

Affordances in physical shape

  1. Used to smash walnuts
  2. Be a mirror
  3. Be a cushion
  4. Display

Functional Affordances

  1. Read e-books
  2. Surf the Internet
  3. Listen to music
  4. Play games
  5. Maps and gps
  6. Draw and take notes
  7. Send and receive emails
  8. Take video and take photos
  9. Social networking
  10. Bluetooth connection to smart devices

Reading list

Philosophical and theoretical aspects of affordances are discussed in Heras-Escribano, M. (2019) The Philosophy of Affordances. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. Link:

The role of affordances in evolution and niche construction is discussed by Rob Withagen; Margot van Wermeskerken (2010). “The role of affordances in the evolutionary process considered: A niche construction perspective”. Theory and Psychology. 20 (4): 489–510. doi:10.1177/0959354310361405. S2CID143464857.


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