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With the fundamental advancement of computing, modern communication technology and science and technology, science and technology are changing the world, and productivity is also advancing with the development of the times. Therefore, as a designer, we are facing two choices today, namely: intuitive and aesthetic handicraft design and people-oriented, evidence-based design.

  1. Design as a Craft
    Designers spend a lot of time in craft design to master materials, hand-painting and other traditional craftsmanship skills, they can create many beautiful objects, but with the development of technology, such designers rarely come into contact with technology, numbers, Programming and other training. Technology serves people’s daily life
  1. Designed as an evidence-based discipline
    When people are digitized, technology products and services, people’s potential needs are also changing, so the design must be user-centric to provide solutions. So the following new disciplines were born, HCI, interaction design, service design, etc. The composition of these disciplines mainly comes from the efforts of psychology, human factors, ergonomics, and computer science. Therefore, interaction design and other cross-disciplines, study users based on various disciplines and obtain practically useful data, and design based on this evidence.
    G. Lynn Shostack first proposed the concept of Service Design in the papers How to Design a Service (1982) and Designing Services That Deliver (1984) in the 1980s. . In the paper, the author first proposed the Service Blueprint, and set up the Line of Visibility and Service Evidence. Taking the shoeshine service as an example, the author proposed to use the Service Blueprint to carry out the service. The improvement of experience.

IDEO has had a huge impact on design thinking and service design. IDEO’s design thinking tools and methods have been studied and used by many service designers until now

So the difference between interaction design and traditional craft design is that interaction design is not focusing on developing beautiful things, but adding value to any activity, thereby bringing a new perspective to examine the world.

  1. Design education
    Universities and educators must encourage students not only to focus on designing manifestations, but also to explore more social fields and establish a systematic cognitive view. Designers should take people as the center to solve complex problems,
  2. Is design a craft or design a way of thinking?
  3. Process/practice
    Use the ever-increasing technological power to create beautiful experiences and create beauty and joy in our lives.
  4. Way of thinking
    Always pay attention to the main concerns of people and solve the main problems of the present age: health, famine, environment and inequality.
  5. Two futures of design
    Faced with two designs, we don’t have to choose one. We need thinkers and actors. Contemporary designers should not only do, but also think. Contemporary design needs to think while doing, constantly update and iterate.


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